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Partner with a top-rated custom website design company to create a fully optimized website, ready to drive engagement and conversions.

Leading web designers from around the world make up BS Digital Works, a full-service company. No matter if you’re creating a brand-new website or renovating your present one.

Our Web Design Services Include:

Custom Web Design

Make use of our award-winning designers' knowledge to create a completely unique website for your company. Research, analysis, planning, specialized UX and UI design, and SEO to increase site traffic are all part of our custom website design deliverables.

Our design team will collaborate closely with your website strategist to create a unique design that increases visibility, engagement, and conversions for your business. This design may include branded animations, custom iconography, and a strategically planned conversion funnel.

Custom Website Redesign

With professional advice from our web designers and digital strategists, rebrand your online presence.

In order to improve your position and visibility, our website redesign deliverables also include strategic website planning, unique UX and UI designs, and search engine optimization.

Our Digital Silk team will work with you to develop a unique website that produces measurable results, whether you're trying to update your website, enhance your user experience, switch to a different CMS, or all of the above.

Custom eCommerce Web Design

All of the top eCommerce platforms, including WooCommerce, Shopify, and Adobe Commerce (Magento), are areas of expertise for our BS Digital web designers.

We'll work with you to choose the best platform for your e-store's growth and create a unique custom website design that provides a superior user experience, simple checkout, a variety of payment choices, and other essential elements for eCommerce web design.

Whether you need help with e-store design and development, eCommerce marketing, business or tech consultation, hosting, or maintenance, our eCommerce experts will help you every step of the way.

Custom Creative Web Design

At BS Digital Works, "creative web design" refers to the deliberate, strategic, and effective use of creative design elements, whether color, animation, typography, images, or video.

At BS Digital Works, all creative components are used in support of specific website objectives. Your color scheme will communicate your brand identity, your typography will be ADA-compliant and on-brand, your animation and videos will lengthen the time visitors spend on your site, and your imagery will offer a kind, human touch.

Reimagine your online presence with personalized, innovative web design by working with our award-winning design team.

Custom End-To-End Development

We create custom websites on all market-leading platforms that are scalable, on-brand, admin-friendly, and completely optimized.

Utilize our comprehensive end-to-end custom web design deliverables, which include of careful website planning, search engine optimization, unique UX and UI design, development, and quality assurance.

Our talented designers will modify your chosen CMS to improve the user experience for visitors to your website while making it simple to use and manage for your admins.

Your BS Digital Works website strategist will provide tailored recommendations during the website planning process if you don't already have a chosen CMS.

Why Custom Web Design and Development is the Best Option for Your Brand

A Custom WordPress website design will help set your company apart in this congested industry. With a custom eCommerce website design, you can stay away from bloatware and pointless features that could speed up load times. Furthermore, you can customize a custom design website’s look and functionality without being limited by a theme.

Investing in a bespoke website design is highly worthwhile due to its strong site architecture, SEO-friendly features, and brand-strengthening design. Are you still not sure that bespoke web design packages are the best option for your company? Let’s examine the figures:

According to Kissmetrics, if a website takes three seconds to load, 40% of users will leave.

Positive user experiences (UX) are seen favorably by 90% of internet shoppers (Toptal).

According to 48% of customers, a company's website design is the most important consideration when evaluating its credibility (Ironpaper)

According to ResearchGate, a website's visual attractiveness and navigation account for 94% of first impressions.

Custom WordPress Website Design Process

Get Engaging, Clutter-Free Custom Website Designs to Draw in High-Intent Clients.

To create websites that are both successful and produce the best possible outcomes, BS Digital Works has devised a complex web design method. The steps in our bespoke web design and development process are as follows:

1. Kick Off

Our project managers identify your target market, marketing objectives, requirements, and demands during our first meeting. We set your requirements, respond to your questions, outline the various steps involved in creating your custom website design, and present a preliminary custom web design price at this time. Ensuring that we are on the correct path requires action.

2. Strategy

Our next course of action is based on the establishment of a strategy. We examine all of the kick-off data, draft a proposal, build site mock-ups, and schedule a meeting with your project manager to get their permission during this step. Creating a thorough action plan for the development stage is the aim.

3. Development

On-site SEO, content optimization, and site building are all included in this phase. We make sure your website's interactive features, color scheme, and logo design all accurately represent your brand. We reassemble with you for a final site assessment and revision (if any) once we've finished front-end and back-end development.

4. Launch

Last but not least, we move your website from a local server to the live server. We also give client training where we show you how to administer your website's back-end, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of your site's requirements. We provide ongoing SEO and site maintenance so you may concentrate on your internal operations as a custom website design company.

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